This week, while my parents visited my brother in Aruba, I enjoyed 6 days of having the house all to myself.
Don't get me wrong, I love my parents, and living with them is extremely easy - and free. Other than being so far from Midtown / Downtown Memphis activities - and generally not being in Bangalore - I have very few complaints about my current living situation.
With that being said, however, I sometimes crave having a space to myself. As much as I love being around people and going out for meals and drinks and sporting events, every now and then I need a few days almost entirely on my own to take care of myself and recharge my batteries. And I got just that when my parents went to visit my brother and left me in charge of the house.
While they were gone, I gave myself a little bit of a mini-vacation. I did a bit of work during the day, but for the most part I watched cricket and worked on jigsaw puzzles. I had a bit of human interaction, going to Dan's house for Easter Sunday dinner and making dinner at home on Monday night for Nathanial and Chad, but overall I enjoyed having the time - and the house - to myself. I went for a walk or run every day, I read my book, I wrote in my journal, I had full control of the television, and I very happily did not open my computer or check my phone for close to 24 hours at a time.
I'm glad to have my parents back, and it was great hearing about their eating adventures with my brother, but I definitely enjoyed those 6 days of being on my own. I don't know that I could ever live alone permanently, but to do it for a week every now and then is kind of fun.
other highlights included: got started on my #FNLrewatch2014 [5 episodes in and counting!]; Indian food night with Nathanial and Chat; new food adventures at Pho Saigon; had my volunteer orientation at the Mid-South Food Bank; got my teeth cleaned [I'm one of those people who loves it]; Shalini came to visit; lots and lots of wonderful Bangalore-style rain.
Wonder where I can send my parents on their next holiday so I can have the house to myself again...
Don't get me wrong, I love my parents, and living with them is extremely easy - and free. Other than being so far from Midtown / Downtown Memphis activities - and generally not being in Bangalore - I have very few complaints about my current living situation.
With that being said, however, I sometimes crave having a space to myself. As much as I love being around people and going out for meals and drinks and sporting events, every now and then I need a few days almost entirely on my own to take care of myself and recharge my batteries. And I got just that when my parents went to visit my brother and left me in charge of the house.
While they were gone, I gave myself a little bit of a mini-vacation. I did a bit of work during the day, but for the most part I watched cricket and worked on jigsaw puzzles. I had a bit of human interaction, going to Dan's house for Easter Sunday dinner and making dinner at home on Monday night for Nathanial and Chad, but overall I enjoyed having the time - and the house - to myself. I went for a walk or run every day, I read my book, I wrote in my journal, I had full control of the television, and I very happily did not open my computer or check my phone for close to 24 hours at a time.
I'm glad to have my parents back, and it was great hearing about their eating adventures with my brother, but I definitely enjoyed those 6 days of being on my own. I don't know that I could ever live alone permanently, but to do it for a week every now and then is kind of fun.
other highlights included: got started on my #FNLrewatch2014 [5 episodes in and counting!]; Indian food night with Nathanial and Chat; new food adventures at Pho Saigon; had my volunteer orientation at the Mid-South Food Bank; got my teeth cleaned [I'm one of those people who loves it]; Shalini came to visit; lots and lots of wonderful Bangalore-style rain.
Wonder where I can send my parents on their next holiday so I can have the house to myself again...