the wonderful world of veena.

23 September 2011

happy 100!

Today marks my 100th post on here.  When I started this blog towards the end of December, I didn't really have any idea of what direction it was going to go in.  I still don't, if I'm honest.

At the beginning, it was mostly a mix of nerves over grad school applications and studying for and taking the GRE.  I survived all of those happenings and then had to figure out where to go from there.  Once I had my tickets booked and my acceptance letter signed and returned, it became more about my last few months in India - my travels, the Cricket World Cup and IPL, wrapping up work, and attempts at daily picture-taking.  Since returning, it has been a mix of grad school preparation and the subsequent craziness that has ensued since classes began.

Even though I'm not a niche blogger - I get way too easily distracted for all that - I'm pretty happy with how it's all going.  My viewership comes and goes, but it's been staying up this month since I've been posting every day.  Note to self: more people read this thing when I post often, and on varying topics.  Good to know.

So really what I want to say today is thank you.  Thank you to all of you who actually take time out of your day to read my ramblings.  I can't really imagine what is all that entertaining for you, but it has definitely been a great way for me to get back into the practice of writing on a more-or-less daily basis, and it's nice to know that someone, somewhere, is reading it.

Here's to the next 100 posts.  How long do you think it will take me to do it?
Woo pig.

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