the wonderful world of veena.

03 January 2012

10k tuesday: round and round and round we go.

I realize it's been a while since one of my 10k tuesday posts, and that is mostly because I have a tendency to lose track of what day it is when I am on holiday. That has been further perpetuated by the fact that my parents had two long weekends in a row for Christmas and New Year, and I had my wisdom teeth removed last Friday. I finally glanced at my watch today and saw that it said Tuesday. yikes.

I've been doing much better with my running since the semester helps that I can get up at 10 [or 11, on occasion] and still be able to go for a run. My motivation for those 6am runs fell by the wayside a long time ago. I have been helped considerably by being in Memphis for a few weeks and having had the opportunity to run a few different routes near my parents' house. I'm going to have to find new places to run once I'm back in the Rock.

In good news, my new running shoes are working out well, and having varied music for my runs has been good. I am unfortunately not going to be into a regular schedule until probably the end of the month, so I honestly have no idea how the next few weeks are going to go.

So far, so good. Hopefully I didn't just jinx myself.
woo pig.

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