the wonderful world of veena.

10 May 2011

blast from the past.

Last Saturday, Ashu and I were passing the afternoon flipping channels at Pranay's place when I suddenly came across this:

That's right, Saved by the Bell: Hawaiian Style was on tv.  And it was awesome.  Transported me straight back to the mid-90s, when I used to watch 4 episodes of it every day after school.

I'm pretty sure my exclamations and excitement were very entertaining for Ashu.  He had no idea what was going on, as he had never heard of or seen the show [I don't know if they ever aired it in India], so I tried my best to give him the backstory on the characters and how they ended up in Hawaii.

And what a great trip down memory lane it was for me.  I felt like I was back in elementary school, wondering each day which episodes wgn and tbs were going to show that day.  Would it be the one where they discovered oil on the football field, or would it be the one with Screech and his lucky beret?  [gosh, remember when Tori Spelling was on there?]  Or how about the one where they steal their rival school's mascot?  Or the one where Jessie overdoses on caffeine pills?  [if I ever hear the song I'm so Excited, it immediately calls to mind Jessie passing out as she says, "I'm so excited, I'm so excited, I'm so ... scared."]

I had the theme song running in my head the entire day after that.  Who knows how amused Ashu and later Mukunda were by the movie, but I for one had a blast.  I want to watch more of my favourite shows from my childhood.  Those were good days.

[image via Classic Kids TV]

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