Although there were a few intended pictures that did not end up getting taken [a shot of the sea in Mahaballipuram, for example. forgive me, I was a bit under the weather], I managed to accumulate quite a few pictures over the last two weeks. Most of them were taken in and around the farm on various nature walks, so you'll have to bear with lots of pictures of various flowers, and some are from our Science and Art exhibition at the Somanahalli school. My apologies for the sheer number of pictures, but I wanted to get it all over and done with in one post. As always, enjoy!
[I spotted this just outside my room at the farm and had to snap up a picture immediately. this led to my first nature walk of the two weeks] |
[I'm pretty proud of this one, if I do say so myself] |
[prakash and I picked up McDonald's for some of the kids one night] |
[our awesome marble paintings] |
[we lost power a lot at the farm, so I got lots of shots of candles in various stages of melting] |
[the Fettes College room from 2008 still stands!] |
[Sebuh's ice cream cone. he was very proud of it] |
[Melissa's "baby". we were all ordered to protect it with our lives] |
[one of the schoolchildren made this awesome turtle] |
[our marble paintings and clay sculptures on display at the exhibition on Saturday] |
[an updated version of the "Tree of Life", this time with the handprints of the SFX students and the Somanahalli schoolchildren] |
[movie posters along Mysore Road] |
[these used to be my favourites when I was a kid. I was tempted to buy a bag, until I noticed the price: that's roughly $7 for a medium-size bag. I like them, but I think I can wait another 4 weeks until I'm back in the States] |
[people inform me that this is a popular flavour, but it sounds rather disgusting to me] |
[celebrating my fiance's 27th birthday at The Biere Club, Bangalore's first microbrewery] |
[found on a nature walk with Prakash] |
[another from wandering at the farm] |
[and another] |
[I was tramping through some thorny bushes to try and get a shot of a bright red rose, but then I found these berries instead and got distracted] |
[orange rose in full bloom] |
[Prakash's contribution to our photo shoot] |
[I swear I did not almost fall off the terrace attempting to get this shot] |
[omelette a la Prakash-a] |
[our breakfast stop on the way to Mahaballipuram] |
[we had an awesome sky on the drive] |
[the pool at the Tamil Nadu Tourism Resort. it actually worked out well that our hotel's pool was being renovated, because this one was bigger and a bit nicer] |
[some of the decorations around the Tamil Nadu Tourism Resort] |
[Surya and Samy being goofy at the top of the lighthouse] |
[the inside of the lighthouse. just don't tell those ladies I took this, because I didn't pay the camera fee. shh] |
So there you have it, my last two weeks in pictures. I'm heading to Hampi, Mysore and Coorg in the next week with the Impington group, so I'll have quite a few more in the next week or so.
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