I'll be honest, last week kind of fell through the cracks. With my parents out of town until late Tuesday night, I took advantage of having the house to myself for a few days to recover from Reunion Weekend. I babysat Wednesday morning, celebrated Jane's birthday with a group of fun friends Wednesday night, and spent Thursday hanging out with my father. And then we had repair guys in on Wednesday, Thursday, AND Friday to finish up what we hope is the last of the repairs from all of our leaks and flooding issues.
So all of that is to say that I'm not really sure where last week went. Other than a phone chat with a friend in London and a meeting with a friend here in Memphis, I really didn't get many things on my to-do list finished. I didn't send in any cover letters or apply for any jobs. I chose to let the pile of clothes in my room continue growing rather than put any of it away. And I spent the weekend at home, cooking and watching football, as opposed to attending any of the numerous fall events happening around the city.
And you know what? It was pretty glorious. I need weeks like these to recharge my batteries and get my head on straight again. I read my book. I enjoyed the fabulous fall weather. I spent some time with my parents. I made Sunday lunch for the first time in what felt like months. I went on walks with my mother. And I slept. A lot.
It's back to the grind this week, and I have a long to-do list of things to get through. I've got a bookcase to finish building, at least 3 jobs I need to write cover letters for, a number of emails and parcels to be sent, and a lot of ideas for posts I want to get written down. I am also always planning trips in the back of my mind, and I have one or two that are slowly taking shape above the others. Perhaps if I am able to make one of them happen, you'll read about it on here.
Last week, in pictures:
[throwback pictures of me and jane to celebrate her birthday last week] |
[shrimp deliciousness at frida's] |
[found these gems for the razorback game on saturday. still didn't help us win, unfortunately] |
[sunday afternoon in our neighbourhood] |
[sunday evening stroll with my mother] |
Here's wishing all of you a restful and relaxing week.
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