the wonderful world of veena.

02 December 2014

[audio] book review: yes please [amy poehler].

I love Amy Poehler. A lot. My brother often compares me to her character on Parks and Recreation, Leslie Knope, and while I hope I am slightly less annoying, I can't really argue or complain about the comparison. Amy Poehler is kind of the coolest [tied for #1 with Tina Fey], so I will take any and all comparisons with her characters.

When I found out a few months ago that Amy Poehler was writing a book, I was beyond excited. I had just finished listening to Fey's Bossypants on audio, and I couldn't wait to find out what Poehler's book involved. I considered ordering it when it released, but then I heard about the lineup she had on her audiobook, and so I decided to go that route. When you hear names like Patrick Stewart, Kathleen Turner, Seth Meyers, and Amy's Parents, you know it's going to be good. And good it was.

Yes Please is Amy Poehler's collection of funny stories, anecdotes, and wise words for her fan following. She is exactly herself as she narrates childhood escapades, founding the Upright Citizens Brigade, and her hopes and dreams for her children. She is forthright and self-deprecating about her marriage to and divorce from Will Arnett, and she speaks about her time with Saturday Night Live with great affection. In short, she was everything I hoped for in a writer and narrator, and I looked forward to listening to her book every day until I completed it.

Mixed in with Poehler's stories are anecdotes from Seth Meyers about working with her on SNL, from Mike Schur on creating Parks and Rec, and from her parents on her childhood. Having those extra voices gave Poehler's audiobook that extra little something to make it even more appealing and more enjoyable to listen to, because it provides the opportunity to hear why others love Amy Poehler so much.

I wasn't sure it was possible to love Amy Poehler any more than I already did, but Yes Please proved me wrong. It was a delightful visit into the crazy mind of Poehler, and it only further cemented my notion that she and I should be friends.

Maybe one day...

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